Lordmancer II is a mobile free-to-play massively multiplayer online RPG that allows players to mine cryptocurrency and spend it both inside and outside of the game. The game is already in open beta testing on Android.
Development of beta version of the game.<br />
Soft launch in Russia on Android started.
Q3 2017
Pre ICO<br />
Testing and polishing the game using Russian community.
Q4 2017
ICO<br />
Commercial launch in Russia.<br />
Add more game content: units, lands, quests.<br />
Start selling game packs for Lord Coins.
Q1 2018
Start selling unique lands of Lord Coins.<br />
Add race of Dwarfs into the game.<br />
Soft launch in South-East Asia and South America regions.<br />
Launch iOS version.
Q2 2018
Global launch.<br />
Add race of Undead in to the game.
Q4 2018
Launch a big named update of the game that will introduce a new race, more new lands and a new main quest.
Screenshots taken on 3 Feb 2018
Ilya Mikov
Participates in a number of projects
Anton Telitsyn
co-founder, CEO
Participates in a number of projects
Advisors (13)
Shaban Shaame
EverdreamSoft, Founder & CEO
Participates in a number of projects
Peter Van Dyke
GTR, Director of Product
Participates in a number of projects
Dmitry Sutormin
Angel investor
No participating data
Greg Limon
Canada Capital Group inc., Founder
Participates in a number of projects
Stan Milc
Caviar House, Canada Capital Group inc., Business partner