The oldest profession in the world, prostitution, with a publicly estimated annual turnover of $186 billion dollars, has many fundamental problems that have led to an overall very difficult public image.
LSD will change the future of prostitution and bury the moral reprehensibility of prostitution once and for all.
In addition, LSD will bring the adult sector as a whole up to the necessary technical standards of the 21st century and provide a global, secure, and private currency for all activities and services related to the porn, sex, and the adult industry as a whole.
LSD was born.<br />
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Convinced that the problems and moral hurdles of prostitution caused by an outdated system and a lack of a secure medium were to be overcome, LSD emerged to revolutionize prostitution and the economic system of the adult industry as a whole.
MAR 2018
Public Token Sale.<br />
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The ICO starts at 17 March, 2018.
Q1 2018
Team Expansion.<br />
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In order to realize our vision we need a strong and above all large team. Vacancies are already on our website.
Q2 2018
Start of development.<br />
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This is where the most intensive work on the LSD platform including the LSD integration for other adult websites begins.
Q3 2018
First Adult Site LSD integrations.<br />
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The API will be open to the public and with our first partners we will offer LSD as a means of payment on various adult sites.
Q4 2018
LSD Webapp Private Alpha.<br />
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LSD Fastlane Members will be invited into several private alpha versions. Weekly surveys and daily updates will be waiting for you.
Q1 2019
LSD Webapp Public Beta.<br />
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We are releasing the beta version of the LSD platform to the public so that you can help us to find the last bugs and make the platform completely reliable and usable for mass usage.<br />
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We also start a bug bounty where developers finding bugs are rewarded with LSD tokens.
Q2 2019
LSD 1.0 - Web and Mobile Release.<br />
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Full release of the LSD platform for Windows, Mac and iOS, Android.
Q2 2019
LSD/FIAT Inbuilt Exchange.<br />
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Implementation of an LSD to Fiat Currency Exchange in the LSD application. This will complete the LSD Ecosystem and make the LSD Platform entirely beginner-friendly for people with no experience in crypto currency.
Q3 2019
GFP Foundation.<br />
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Establishment of the GFP Foundation in Germany to support the worldwide legalization of prostitution through the revolutionary LSD platform as a global medium of this movement.
Q4 2019
Starting Marketing & Mass Adoption.<br />
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Since we now have a mature product with an already large community, our next goal is of course to continuously improve it, but above all to ensure that the entire prostitution market switches to the new user-friendly medium LSD.
LSD 2.0 and more.<br />
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Smart contracts, modular individual blockchains, LSD based dApps for adults, certified brothels, VR Sex – the Future of LSD is open-ended.