MeeTip is a cryptocurrency that will be used into OutMySphere in order to offer drinks to your soulmate or to your friends and tip the employee of your choice. OutMySphere is a mobile app allowing to know instantly the crowd in bars, restaurants, nightclubs, coffees, casinos and fitness gyms. With this app, you will see who is in each establishment and you will be able to interact
with them.
Release of OutMySphere app new version. Integration of customer area for establishment owners. Marketing of the mobile application and bars, cafes and restaurants solicitation.
May 2018
Integration of MeeTip wallet into OutMySphere to offer drink and tip. Release of web based wallet. Add platform where MeeTip can be traded into OutMySphere.
Q4 2018
Replacement of our MongoDB database by the BigchainDB blockchain in order to fully decentralize the data.