The MillionDollarDAPP is a homage to the Million Dollar Homepage from 2005. It maintains 1,000,000 pixels which are sold for $1 each. In contrast to the original, the MillionDollarDapp utilizes latest Web 3.0 technologies to operate in a complete decentralized manner. It allows you placing ads without cencorship, editing their content and deleting them. But beware: History cannot be changed! Every action you take on this DAPP creates an immutable record on the Ethereum Blockchain - forever! Images are recognized by their "fingerprint" on IPFS and served as long as anyone in the universe has interest in it. That allows us to look at the site for any given time in the past. Nobody is able to change records once they are written. To be allowed to place an ad, one needs MDAPP (ERC20 compliant) tokens which are locked as long as you occupy space. Each token represents 10x10 pixels. At the same time, these are the minimum dimensions of your add.