

Gamecredits is near completion of development of their crypto mobile gaming store. This mobile gaming store has a proprietary payment gateway that allows gamers to use Gamecredits to buy in-game content. Gamecredits can be acquired with credit cards and other local payment methods within this gateway.
Website: Visit
White paper: Read
ICO Time: 25 Apr 2017 - 25 May 2017
Country: USA
Token info
Ticker: MGO
Total supply: 99,996,877 MGO
Raised $ 53,000,000
ICO Price: โ‰ˆ 0.76 USD
Screenshots taken on 5 Feb 2018
April 25th - May 24th 2017
MobileGo crowdsale
May - June 2017
Gamecredits Mobile Store Public Launch<br /> <br />
May - June 2017
Gamecredits accepted for mobile store games and ingame<br /> <br /> <br /> content purchases<br /> <br />
June - August 2017
marketing funds deployed
July - August 2017
first centralized tournaments on platform
Q4 2017
complete gamification of mobile platform including MobileGo token integration into player profiles, statuses, and rewards<br /> <br />
Q4 2017
complete decentralized virtual gamer marketplace
Q1 2018
complete integration of decentralized gamer matches and decentralized gamer tournaments<br /> <br />
Sergey Sholom
No participating data
Maxim Sholom
No participating data
Vesselin Peev
No participating data
Fran Strajnar
Lead Escrow
No participating data
Nikola Djoke
No participating data
Chafik Abdellaoui
No participating data
Bok Khoo
No participating data
Stefan Crnojevic
No participating data

Advisors (0)

ICO List
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Our Armacoin GZM coin is specially designed for advertising companies, various media, various greetings registered on the basis of blockchain. Each new message will not be overwritten by the previous one, but will be supplemented. These advertisers can be quite a lot and each of them will receive a payment for their advertising message. The cost of this one message will be 1 GZM. A specific function and variable were added in this coin. The function «Set-Messange» and the global variable «Messange» that is permanently stored in the blockchain. The «SetMessange» function adds a line to the «Messange» function and the 1 GZM is removed from the account of the one who calls this function and transfers this 1 GZM to the advertiser's account. This coin is like a prototype of a Billboard, where the owners of this token, that is, advertisers, can place a message in the contract line for only 1 GZM. The advertiser can place this message on the billboards in different cities, on websites and all visitors will see what is specified in the global parameter of the messange. This coin was created on the ERC-20 contract. The total number of issued and coins for mining does not exceeds 1 billion. The mining of this coin is also unique because it allows to generate GZM tokens with low power renewable energy. This leaves most of the green energy to use for the network, while the miner can use the opportunity to acquire new tokens. We are also developing applications for this smart contract and will give the opportunity to mine these tokens using renewable energy sources, various gadgets with installed pedometers apps, electric vehicles, fitness bracelets and much more. Everything will be done for environmentally friendly and safe mining, as well as for the stimulation of a healthy lifestyle of the people living on our planet. We will encourage everyone who cares about the purity and ecology of our planet.
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