The MoCo Platform will create the next age of anonymous social networking services, in 3D and 4K+ VR, while providing a means for its users to monetize their creativity and talents. It will also bring seamless, real time lossless 3D, 360 virtual reality communication, and Live events in 4K+ to the world.
Established “MoMoco” project to develop World's 1st Anonymous 3D SNS Avatar app.
Q3 2018
Pre-Sale 2.
Q3 2018
1st successful compression & Live Streaming of 4K/5MBPS/60FPS (only 3-10 second delay).
Q4 2018
1st successful compression & Live Streaming of 4K/5MBPS/60FPS (360°).1st successful 3D scan with single camera using human subject. Pre-Sale 3. Pre-Sale 4.
Q2 2019
Crowd Sale Start.
Q1 2020
MoMoCo 3D Avatar App 1st Mock-up.
Q4 2020
MoMoCo App Open Beta Launch in App Stores.<br />
Q1 2021
MoMoCo Marketplace Launch. Fight Club Game Launch.
Q1 2022
MoMoCoin = Moco Token Exchange System Launch.
Q2 2022
MoMoCo App 100,000 Downloads.
Q3 2022
MoMoCo App 300,000 Downloads.
Q4 2022
MoMoCo App 500,000 Downloads/Start Live Streaming Chat. VR Chat System/VR Real Time Event #1.