Nanospectral World’s First Ecosystem and Decentralized Platform for Spectrometry Applications. Our revolutionary blockchain based platform is designed to create an own blockchain ecosystem representing a radically new scientific and commercial platform for fast characterisation and functionality understanding in life sciences, biotechnology, health care, food science and technology.
General Concept for a spectrometry analysis platform<br />
Specification for portable ultra-high resolution spectrometry devices
Q4 2019
Initial blockchain<br />
Wallet release<br />
ICO launch and start of crowd-sale<br />
Design of website and release of whitepaper<br />
Design of an UH-FTS onto a photonic integrated chip<br />
Analysis platform specifications<br />
Listing on exchanges
Q1 2020
Realization of single characterisation modules for the analysis platform<br />
NIR spectrometry database implementation<br />
First photonic integrated chips with ultra-high resolution<br />
Optimisation and if necessary, redesign of single components<br />
Listing on major exchanges
Q2 2020
First prototype of UH-FTS and characterisation<br />
Device optimisation and integration of user functionality<br />
Assembling of single platform modules into a global solution.<br />
Implementation of first characterisation algorithms
Q3 2020
Integration of UH-FTS devices into the platform<br />
Optimisation and design improvements<br />
Alpha Platform functionality testing
Q4 2020
On-site platform testing by customers<br />
Functionality and design improvements<br />
Preparation of pilot production of UH-FTS devices
Q1 2021
First sells to customers<br />
Optimisation and design improvements<br />
Alpha Platform functionality testing
Q2 2021
Continuing development<br />
Concepts for additional and new analysis methods and their realization<br />
Further device optimisation<br />
Expand variety of UH-FTS devices and implementation of new features into the platform