ND INVEST is a platform for instant purchases of real estate, cars, furniture and services at discounted and promotional prices. By signing the preliminary purchase agreement and paying the deposit upfront using ND tokens via our application or web page, the customer retains the ownership right for the asset, the pre-approved price and conditions of the deal. The remaining part of the asset price the buyer pays in fiat or another cryptocurrency.
Idea development.<br />
<br />
Trade Mark.<br />
<br />
Site Design.
Q2 2010
The start of «NEW DAY» Program.
Q3 2012
Obtaining a permit for construction of «NEW DAY»<br />
<br />
Residential complex in Paphos, Cyprus.
Q4 2012
Start of construction of «NEW DAY» residential complex in Paphos, Cyprus.
Q3-Q4 2013
Purchasing «NEW DAY» car dealership in Budapest.
Q1 2014
Signing partnership agreements with major auto groups.
Q3 2014
Completion of construction of «NEW DAY» residential complex in Paphos, Cyprus.
Q4 2017
Development of ideas for project’s cryptonization.<br />
<br />
Market research and analytics.<br />
<br />
Development of system architecture.
Q2 2018
Backend development.<br />
<br />
Start of ND mobile application development. ND webpage development. Creation and registration of<br />
<br />
NDCOIN tokens.
Q3 2018
ICO webpage development.<br />
<br />
Preparation for ICO campaign.
Q4 2018
Pre-ICO.<br />
<br />
First payments of referral bonuses in ND INVEST program.<br />
<br />
Team expansion.<br />
<br />
Blockchain integration.<br />
<br />
Creation of smart contracts.
Q1 2019
ICO.<br />
<br />
Finalizing the development of ND INVEST native application.<br />
<br />
New real estate developer and car dealership registrations in all cities around the world.<br />
<br />
NDCOIN is listed on cryptocurrency exchanges.
Q2 2019
Final testing of all new systems. New user registrations of<br />
<br />
customers around the world. Global marketing campaign.<br />
<br />
Obtaining permission for construction of the second<br />
<br />
complex «NEW DAY» in Paphos, Cyprus.
Q3 2019
Global ND conference.<br />
<br />
Global launch of ND services