NGS Coin is a platform for the future of funding that is built on top of the Ethereum blockchain. It accelerates growth of start-up companies by offering tools and services that save both time and resources.
Investors can use services to divide their investments between various services like P2P loans, crowdfunding, etc. The first version of the NGS allows startups to launch and manage crowdfunding and campaigns.
While we are helping start-ups to raise the funds, we care about investors whose investments’ protection we wish to guarantee to the maximum extent. The voting system gives the investors bigger control over their investment.
Up to 2% NGS cashback on all transactions
Exchange NGS for Bictoin, Ethreum and 100+ more Cryptocurrency
The ultimate goal of NGS is to be the all-in-one solution and offer a wide array of services from market to finance.
Our clients — both corporate and private ones — will access all the services they need from a single platform. Blockchain technology gives us the chance to make your finances grow faster and give better returns.