The purpose of this Initial Coin Offering (“ICO”) is for the company NNBU HOLDINGS (derived from Neo-natal Birth Unit) to raise sufficient funds to i) complete the design of its medical device, ii) ensure that the Company can prepare an assembly plant for the device once the design is completed, certified and readied for manufacture, and iii) be able to introduce the device to the market. The device aims to replicate for a baby born by Caesarean-section some of the physical stresses undergone by a baby delivered naturally. The Company aims to raise the equivalent of €15,000,000 (Fifteen Million Euros), the Target Contribution, and will issue “passive income” tokens (a token which entitles the holder to receive payments without having to take any further action other than those naturally linked to collecting payments) which, in aggregate and assuming the target contribution is attained, would receive each year a figure equal to 12.5% of the Company’s sales. Based on the Company’s financial projections, this level of pay-out would give contributors an internal rate of return of 36.9%. The Token section of this White Paper (Section E) explains this in greater detail. It should be noted that investor pay-outs would only commence after the development period of the device has finished, this period being estimated at a maximum of 2 years. The commitment to pay a percentage of sales to Token holders will be included in a Smart Contract in the usual way, but in addition, contributors in this ICO will also become party to a conventional legal contract enforceable in a court of law.