We believe that the concept of NXAD – NeXt Generation of ADvertising – has the potential to revolutionize the world of online advertising and sharing of the content itself.
NXAD aims to bring back the value to the users by offering an alternative way of advertising and content sharing which is revolutionary, simple and effective.
Team kickoff, start of market research and tech feasibility.
December 2017
Decision to build NXAD on NEO.
January 2018
Signed partnership agreement with Visitor Analytics to make NXAD available for up to ~700.000 existing<br />
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January-March 2018
Refined concept of NXAD-platform. Created first designs and visual prototypes for presentation.
March 2018
Start with basic development of sharingfunctionality.
April 2018
Legal feasibility study of concept, token and company structure.
Late April 2018
Internal release of White Paper for expert reviews. Collect feedback and refine concept. Founding of NXAD company in Munich, Germany. Go-live of first version of nxad.io.
Early May 2018
First presentations of White Paper and visual prototypes to potential private round investors.
Early June 2018
Start development of actual NXAD platform and technical infrastructure for “proof of share” marketing campaign.
Early July 2018
Go-live with private investment round including mandatory registration process (incl. “KYC”/”AML”-<br />
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examination if applicable) on nxad.io for private investors and „proof of share“ marketing campaign<br />
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for private investors.
Mid/Late July 2018
Go-live of MVP of actual NXAD platform (without real tokens). Only available for registered investors.
End May-End of 2018
Technical and marketing preparations for public pre- and main-sales of NXA token. Increase team<br />
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Q1 - Q2 2019
Main NXA token exchange events (pre-&main-sale).
Q2 - Q3 2019
Go-live of NXAD-platform version 1.0. NXA token holders can spend their tokens on NXAD.io platform.