Ocean Protocol

Ocean Protocol

Ocean Protocol is an ecosystem for sharing data and associated services. It provides a tokenized service layer that exposes data, storage, compute and algorithms for consumption with a set of deterministic proofs on availability and integrity that serve as verifiable service agreements. There is staking on services to signal quality, reputation and ward against Sybil Attacks.<br /> <br /> Ocean helps to unlock data, particularly for AI. It is designed for scale and uses blockchain technology that allows data to be shared and sold in a safe, secure and transparent manner.
Website: Visit
White paper: Read
Dates: TBA
Token info
Ticker: OCEAN
Total supply: 613,099,141 OCEAN
ICO Price: ≈ 0.05 USD
Screenshots taken on 31 May 2018
November 2017
Ocean Token seed distribution<br /> <br /> Technical Primer<br /> <br /> Marketplace Framework
February 2018
Technical Whitepaper<br /> <br /> Business Whitepaper
March 2018
Ocean Token pre-launch distribution<br /> <br /> Singapore, Lead Customers, Advisors
Q4 2018
Tethys beta (v0.9) test network deployed
Q1 2019
Tethys (v1.0) network deployed<br /> <br /> AI/Data/Community activated
Bruce Pon
Participates in a number of projects
Trent McConaghy
Participates in a number of projects
Don Gossen
Participates in a number of projects
Chirdeep Chhabra
Participates in a number of projects
Daryl Arnold
Participates in a number of projects
Dimitri De Jonghe
Participates in a number of projects
Mike Anderson
Participates in a number of projects
Cristina Pon
Participates in a number of projects
Oana Ionescu
Participates in a number of projects
John Enevoldsen
Participates in a number of projects
Matthias Kretschmann
Participates in a number of projects
Julian Leitloff
Participates in a number of projects
Aitor Argomaniz
Participates in a number of projects
Timothy Ley
Participates in a number of projects
Ahmed Abdullah
Participates in a number of projects
Wojciech Hupert
Participates in a number of projects
Masha McConaghy
Participates in a number of projects
Kiran Karkera
Participates in a number of projects
Artur Gomer
Participates in a number of projects
Sylvain Bellemare
Participates in a number of projects
Katharina Grieß
Participates in a number of projects
Tim Daubenschütz
Participates in a number of projects
Gautam Dhameja
Participates in a number of projects
Jernej Pregelj
Participates in a number of projects
Muawia Khan
Participates in a number of projects
Shahbaz Nazir
Participates in a number of projects
Alberto Granzotto
Participates in a number of projects
Troy McConaghy
Participates in a number of projects
Kamal Ved
Participates in a number of projects
Daniel Lustig
Participates in a number of projects
Ricardo Garcia
Participates in a number of projects
Manuel Rodriguez
Participates in a number of projects

Advisors (0)

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