A hyper-deflationary cryptocurrency, supported by an automated tokenized portfolio that utilizes professional trading techniques and economic strategies for token value optimization like strategic buy pressure and supply scarcity.
Launch of testnet tracking gains and gathering data for use in the final algorithm. Initial starting team assembled - including one dev, one business developer/project manager, one quant and legal team.
December, 2017
Launch of website and initial press releases and marketing strategies. Launch of social media channels to start building a community.<br />
January, 2018
Targeting and acquisition of initial investors. Launch of ANN, white-paper to follow soon. Onboarding of further help and developers.<br />
<br />
Further development of BETA testing algorithm infusing more funds and growing initial fund.Acquisition of advisor team.
February, 2018
Final draft white paper released.Further onboarding of advisors and team. Further development on algorithm and any user interfaces phase 1, wallet etc.<br />
March 2018,
Token sale marketing and PR campaign. Begin coding and mplementation of backend testing interface on exchange.
April, 2018
ITO: 90 days. Start work on algorithm.
May, 2018
BETA launch on exchange(s), growing the fund right away after 1 month of gathering funds. Funds will not sit idle but instead go right to work after a month. Further work and optimizing of algorithm and security. ALPHA interface launch on Exchange(s) and continued token sale push.
June, 2018
Last month push of token sale and continued business development and second addition of ITO sales to fund.
JULY, 2018
After the token creation event is finished, distribution of tokens to ITO buyers. Begin the purchasing of tokens phase on exchange(s) for buy pressure of OptiToken with profits to date and then the addition of remaining ITO funds to the fund.<br />
Summer, 2018
Creation and testing on any 2.0 user interfaces. Continue to grow find and improve algorithm, possibly starting an integration of machine learning.<br />
Continue growth driven operations along with searching for new ways to improve e.g. do we incorporate pre-sale discounts since there will be ability to buy the minimums? This can be very interesting strategy in times of an overbought market.<br />
Screenshots taken on 19 Feb 2018
Sean Donato
Founder and CEO
Participates in a number of projects
John DeGiacomi
Business Manager & Asset Pricing
Participates in a number of projects
Sebastian Richard
Senior Software Engineer. Full-Stack Developer
Participates in a number of projects
Himank Varshney
Marketing and Analytics
Participates in a number of projects
Advisors (2)
Alec Hahn
User Experience and Financial Institution Relations Founder of Bitcoin42 and developer at BitHalo