PSI has developed proprietary financial technology software-as-a-service funds that include the real-time PSI Affordability and Deduction Management Platform (ADMP), PSI Loan Administration Platform (LAP) and PSI Loan Investment product (PSII). ADMP ensures that consumers cannot become overindebted as all loans and deductions are processed and updated in real-time on the ADMP software platform. ADMPโs rules engine protects consumers against becoming overextended and ensures the lenders risk is significantly reduced, as the ADMP manages the payroll deduction, the flow of funds & ensures compliance with credit extension rules & legislation for each employer and jurisdiction. Disruption of the status quo in the lending market is key to creating fairness and transparency. PSI is not a lender but is primarily a Fintech company that enables transparency and accountability in markets though itโs platforms that enable payroll deduction administration and real-time loan affordability scoring.
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