Philanthor is a Philanthropy Foundation that runs over blockchain and makes it possible for everyone to become a philanthropist. Phlianthor is a collective mind of our member's beliefs of how a better world should look like translated into a DAO system. Based on the member's choices we allocate funds to grants, charities and causes and other areas that needs to be fixed to improve life on earth, and we analyse the data to measure the social impact of our work.
Conceptualisation<br />
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Team is awarded the: French Tech Ticket award for its technology development (Bynariu project)<br />
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Team is awarded a grant by BPI Q2-Q4 France
Q2 2017
R&D Started<br />
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Development of KYC platform<br />
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Development of Document verification system<br />
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Implementation of a AI & machine learning platform for user verification.
Q1 2018
Development of an AI based Video analytics platform.
Q2 2018
First version of white paper is released<br />
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Launch of Website<br />
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Launch of Token Pre-Sale<br />
Q3 2018
Continue Token pre-sale<br />
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Development of Blockchain smart contract donations distribution platform<br />
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Release Member’s console MVP
Q4 2018
Launch of Token Crowd Sale<br />
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Begin distributing donations and investments in social impact causes<br />
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Engage Corporate CSR donnors
Focus on philanthropy activities:<br />
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Selection of causes<br />
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Distribution of donations<br />
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Continue development work on the technology and platform.