

The Game Platform Based on Blockchain Technology.<br /> <br /> PlayCoin was established to innovate the structures of monopolized gaming and digital marketing industry.<br /> <br /> Reward-based media contents platform and social-based game platform are provided by being linked with blockchain technology.
Website: Visit
White paper: Read
Pre-sale Time: 15 Nov 2017 - 10 Feb 2018
ICO Time: 15 Feb 2018 - 24 Mar 2018
Whitelist/KYC: Whitelist + KYC
Country: Korea
Token info
Ticker: PLY
Platform: QRC
Token Type: QRC
Available for sale: 100,000,000 PLY (10%)
Total supply: 1,000,000,000 PLY
Raised $ 33,000,000
ICO Price: ≈ 0.33 USD
Accepting: ETH, BTC, QTUM
Soft cap: 10,000,000 USD
Hard cap: 33,000,000 USD
Screenshots taken on 16 Apr 2018
2017.11.15 ~ 2017.12.14
1st Token Pre-Sale.
2017.11.24 ~ 2017.11.28
1st Global Roadshow.
2017.12.18~ 2017.12.28
2nd Global Roadshow.
2018.01.14 – 2018.01.18
3rd Global Roadshow.
2018.01.15 – 2018.02.10
2nd Token Pre-Sale.
2018.02.15 – 2018.03.24
Main Token Sale.
2018. May
Listed on Exchange.
Dennis Kim
No participating data
Toby Lee
Blockchain Head Developer
No participating data
James Han
No participating data
Brian Park
No participating data
Sihyun Cha
Mobile Developer
No participating data
Donghoon Lim
Mobile Developer
No participating data
Changsun Kang
Back-end Developer
No participating data
Hyuncheol Oh
Back-end Developer
No participating data
Mieun Kim
No participating data
Junhee Lee
No participating data
Mandy Liu
China Marketer
No participating data
Calvin Song
Overseas Marketer
No participating data
Daniel Lim
Overseas Marketer
No participating data

Advisors (4)

Min Yoo
No participating data
SeoungEun Cho
No participating data
HeeYong Jeong
No participating data
Sungun Lee
No participating data
ICO List
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