

Polybius Bank project will operate on the principles of an Open API, employing reputable innovations and services within the framework of payment and data processing industry. The activities of the Polybius will be developed on an incremental basis investing the capital according to the development of the customer base and with the objective of maximizing the capital versus revenues ratio. By providing the infrastructure for system-to-system communications, Polybius Foundation will act as a Trustee service and will be responsible for the control and execution of compliance-related directives.
Website: Visit
White paper: Read
ICO Time: 31 May 2017 - 30 June 2017
Country: Estonia
Token info
Ticker: PLBT
Platform: Ethereum
Available for sale: 20,000,000 PLBT
Total supply: 3,969,564.000000 PLBT
Raised $ 31,000,000
ICO Price: ≈ 10 USD
Screenshots taken on 4 Feb 2018
Authorized Payment Institution
P2P Loans Investment Portfolios EBA Clearing SWIFT Membership EPC Rulebooks API License Payment Services
Electronic Money Institution
<br /> <br /> <br /> Consumer and working capital loans Foreign Exchange Card Issuing and Payment Acquiring through a BIN Principal Member EMI License
Commercial Bank
Credit Cards Savings Deposits Open API Apps Card Scheme Membership Bank License
Digital Pass
Blockchain Big Data Applied AI Internet of Things eSignatures eSeals
SME Financial Marketplace
Venture Capital Crowdfunding Insurance Brokerage
Venture Capital, Crowdfunding
All funds over $25m go to the SME Financial Marketplace investment and operational capital
Insurance, Brokerage
All funds over $25m go to the SME Financial Marketplace investment and operational capital
Ivan Turygin
Founder, Business Development Chairman, HashCoins OÜ
Participates in a number of projects
Sergei Potapenko
Founder, Business Development CEO, HashCoins OÜ
Participates in a number of projects
Nikolay Pavlovskiy
Blockchain Engineering CTO, HashCoins OÜ
Participates in a number of projects
Vitali Pavlov
Production Management Chief Product Officer, HashCoins OÜ
Participates in a number of projects
Renna Reemet
Development Lead Developer, HashCoins OÜ
Participates in a number of projects
Edgar Bers
Public Relations Business Development Manager, HashCoins OÜ
Participates in a number of projects
Tatjana Potapova, Ph.D in Economics
Finance CFO, HashCoins OÜ
Participates in a number of projects
Andrei Veressov
Legal Attorney at Law, Bright Law Firm
Participates in a number of projects
Valentin Savchenko
Chief of Digital Marketing HashCoins OÜ
Participates in a number of projects
Pavel Tsihhotski
Support and Community Community Manager HashCoins OÜ
Participates in a number of projects
Alexandr Gromov
Marketing CMO HashCoins OÜ
Participates in a number of projects

Advisors (0)

ICO List
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Our Armacoin GZM coin is specially designed for advertising companies, various media, various greetings registered on the basis of blockchain. Each new message will not be overwritten by the previous one, but will be supplemented. These advertisers can be quite a lot and each of them will receive a payment for their advertising message. The cost of this one message will be 1 GZM. A specific function and variable were added in this coin. The function «Set-Messange» and the global variable «Messange» that is permanently stored in the blockchain. The «SetMessange» function adds a line to the «Messange» function and the 1 GZM is removed from the account of the one who calls this function and transfers this 1 GZM to the advertiser's account. This coin is like a prototype of a Billboard, where the owners of this token, that is, advertisers, can place a message in the contract line for only 1 GZM. The advertiser can place this message on the billboards in different cities, on websites and all visitors will see what is specified in the global parameter of the messange. This coin was created on the ERC-20 contract. The total number of issued and coins for mining does not exceeds 1 billion. The mining of this coin is also unique because it allows to generate GZM tokens with low power renewable energy. This leaves most of the green energy to use for the network, while the miner can use the opportunity to acquire new tokens. We are also developing applications for this smart contract and will give the opportunity to mine these tokens using renewable energy sources, various gadgets with installed pedometers apps, electric vehicles, fitness bracelets and much more. Everything will be done for environmentally friendly and safe mining, as well as for the stimulation of a healthy lifestyle of the people living on our planet. We will encourage everyone who cares about the purity and ecology of our planet.
Our mission is to create the first international decentralized residential and commercial real estate listings database controlled by both Buyers and Sellers. Real Estate Brokers and self-represented Sellers will be able to upload their listings and eventually, transfer title of properties, all paid for via the PROQ token.
Emrify Health Passport
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"People can, DAO's do. Candao mission is to create a platform where individuals with the same business and social goals can come together to inspire, engage and build values together. Candao unlock people’s superpowers and let them tokenize the value they create, liquefy assets, connect existing ones, bring people together in order to build joint ventures, distribute profits between all involved people and unlock the value of everyone who plays different roles in everyday life."
This exchange allows transmission of encrypted and secure documentation, restricting access to third parties and offering access management to these creditable transfers, through an auditable, verifable and secure P2P transaction. These transmissions will be made through a distributed network of nodes located in the main European DPCs, guaranteeing 24x7 availability of information as well as protection against information loss thanks to the redundancy of our distributed network.