In PopulTrade you can create, join or invest in any kind of business. PT will bring the possibility to access investments to anyone who has an idea for a business. Owners of various companies will be able to invest by simply entering an investment request. Other people, not involved in commerce, who just have business ideas, will be able to get capital to fulfil them and turn them into real businesses through the PT groups.
Initiation phase: Developing the idea, team formation, …
Q4 2016
PopulTrade company creation, gathering initial funds for the project
Q3 2016
Gathering a team of experts in various sectors. Market analysis, solving various questions, such as economic and legal. Gathering business partners.
Q4 2016
42,000 Euro donation
Q1 2017
Definition phase, design phase of the project.
Q2 - Q3 2017
Development phase of the project.
Q2 2017
68,000 Euro invested in PT
Q4 2017
Start of the implementation phase: Mercato, Circul, Denario and Linum.
Q4 2017
Token crowdsale to develop the project.
Q2 2018
Launch of the PopulTrade invest and get investment product (Linum, Deario), Marketing and PR.
Q3 2018
Launch of PopulTrade project beta.<br />
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Marketing preparation, online/offline sellers gathering, Circuls creation and members gathering, Linum members gathering, payment system implementation, creation of businesses to invest in.
Q4 2018
PopulTrade platform launch, use of tokens in the system.
Q1 2019
Extended blockchain features integration in Circul and Linum.
Q1 - Q4 2xxx
Extensive marketing, public relations, sales campaign and business/ideas promotion.