Qtum (Quantum) is an open source, decentralized project that aims to capitalize on the success of Bitcoin, while competing for the Decentralized Application (DAPP) and Smart Contract market. The goal is to work with industry partners, and launch the first Value Transfer Protocol (VTP). This will streamline daily business routines, and allow for easier adoption. Qtum aims to become the platform with Smart Contracts that execute as part of an Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO).
Potentially incomplete GUI, full RPC methods for contract interaction. Designed for developers, not consumers.
Mainnet release (September 2017)
GUI for smart contract interaction in wallet. Stable RPC layer for developers.
Qtum integration and API release
APIs for interaction with smart contracts for JavaScript, iOs and Android. Release of Qloha, a WeChat wallet for mobile use. Release of SpringMail, email integration for Qtum. Smart contract lifecycle management.
Extending Qtum for the future (2018 and beyond)
Each extention will be formally evaluated and timeframe determined with community input guiding priorities. Adding new features and power to the Qtum AAL. First Class Oracles - Native Oracle support on the blockchain beyond standard smart contracts. Support of community projects built on Qtum.
New VM implementations on Qtum
Adding new VMs beyond EVM. eSML, a new smart contract language with formal verification.