RecordsKeeper is an Open-Source Public Platform (with an independent Mine-able Blockchain) for Record Keeping & Data Security. RecordsKeeper technology is currently live & available for production use. RecordsKeeper Mainnet & Testnet Users can publish the key-value pairs of any kind of data records of up to 8MB in size per transaction in RecordsKeeper Public Blockchain & query the records like NoSQL Database using published record key or transaction id. XRK are the fuel of RecordsKeeper Blockchain. The fees/GAS for uploading the records/data has to be paid in XRK tokens which gets delivered to the Miners for mining the Block along with mining reward. Reading the record is completely free forever.
Please note that RecordsKeeper is a Blockchain platform on top of which other products can be built like SupplyChain Management, Data Security Solutions, Degree Verification System etc.