Coins Burned: 500,000,000,000 (50%) Presale (10% of remaining supply) releasing on 01/18/2022 at 23:59 (11:59 pm) EST Launch Date: The official launch date for the coin is on 01/31/2022 at 23:59 (11:59 pm) EST Tax (5%): Reflections: 2% Liquidity: 2% Dev Fee: 1% What is RedPandaNFTs? RedPandaNFTs is a crypto currency and soon to be NFT collection. The main purpose of RedPandaNFTs is to be a charity token. Will you do manual burns? Yes, with the dev wallet, we will maintain 5% of the total supply in there, along with receiving developer fees. This will be used for monthly manual burns of 1% of the total amount in the dev wallet, along with promoting the coins, charity purposes, etc. Website is still under development, but should be functioning by the time for presale.
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