Rothscoin is the ecosystem of decentralized applications. We specially want to introduce a complex of connect and sharing center, shopping mall, patent, entertainment center, casino, gambling, lottery, charity called RothsMaza. In RothsMaza, applications communicate and exchange with one another via smart contracts, and payments for transactions are made in Rothscoin (RTC).
Enabling registering accounts, using smart contracts of Roths (Rothscoin and the investors) under the patent of Rothscoin and independent of Ethereum or any other party.
December 2017
Start of ICO
January 2018
End of ICO<br />
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February 2018
Publishing RTC algorithm (on github), establishing wallets (Android, iOS)<br />
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Introducing Rothscoin system exchange
March 2018
Listing Rothscoin on coinexchange,,,,<br />
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Enabling mining on smartphones, laptops, desktops, tablets
April 2018
Establishing cold wallets on Window, Mac, Linux
July 2018
Popularizing the use of smart contracts among Rothscoin members and Rothscoin holder community as well
August 2018
Building RothsMaza ecosystem. The demo version of RothsMaza application will be launched in December, 2018
Building virtual reality tourist attractions, shopping malls