SERO (Super Zero) is the world-leading technology with SUPER Zero-Knowledge Proof that truly implements blockchain privacy protection and a public chain platform that supports smart contract operation.SERO is the world's first cryptocurrency technology to achieve complete privacy protection and to support smart contracts through Zero-knowledge proof.
Zero-knowledge proof used by SERO is reviewed and approved by professional organizations. The protocol is built on the latest cryptography studies that greatly improves performance and security.
Added privacy protection to the entire transaction sequence of cryptocurrency on the blockchain. Account information and transaction amount are no longer transparent to the entire network; aligning user privacy needs with actual consumer scenario.
SERO has developed Super-ZK — Zero-knowledge Proof encryption library, independently developed by SERO which is currently the fastest in encryption performance. In the same application scenario, Super-ZK encryption speed is 20 times faster than Zcash (the mainstream privacy protection cryptocurrency that at present, uses zk-SNARKs). Compare with Bulletproofs (the latest bulletproof protocol), Super-ZK is 4 times faster. SERO solved the Zero-knowledge proof performance problem. SERO will lead the privacy protection space and the preparation for the wider commercialization of blockchain.
Sero-Chain V1.0: Release of theTest Network (Sero-Chain) and open source to<br />
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GitHub ( this version supports the privacy protection of account and transaction information.<br />
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Developers can issue their own cryptocurrency with privacy protection mechanism on Sero).
September 2018
Issue ERC20 Tokens.
September 2018
Start the deployment of global nodes and prepare for the Main Network.
December 2018
Sero-Chain V2.0: Sero-Chain Public Network online.
December 2018
Convert of ERC20 tokens to Sero Token of the Main Network in a ratio of 1:1.
January 2019
Complete V2.0 version development, update the encryption algorithm, greatly improve<br />
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TPS, and add offline calculation module to achieve homomorphic encryption of smart contracts.
March 2019
The official release of Sero V 2.0;<br />
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The official release of Sero wallet and the decentralized exchange transaction function<br />
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between tokens issued with Sero-Chain.
June 2019
Release Sero-Chain V3.0: Official release of ALIEN Protocol and CASTROL Protocol.
October 2019
Release Sero-Chain V4.0: Implementation of Privacy Protection Mechanism of Secure<br />
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Multiparty Compution (MPC) for a variety of data privacy protection.