We pose as sex dating service by mutual sympathy and sex-related communications mainly, which are legal in most countries' jurisdictions. Searching for a partner has never been that straight and easy. Service is simple to use, and needs absolutely no installation.
- February: Researching and forging conception<br />
- March: First test-nodes deployment and concord
2017 Q2
- May: Service public announcement on Bitcointalk.org<br />
- June: Pre-ICO and bounties campaign started
2017 Q3
- July: Live node infrastructure deployment and testing<br />
- August: SSIO Web Wallet release<br />
- September: Transferring tokens to pre-ICO investors and contributors (bounties program obligation)<br />
- September: First ICO ($1.7 per SSIO token
2017 Q4
- October: Company Scaling, Enhancing infrastructure<br />
- November: SSIO Dating Web Application Alpha<br />
- November: Full Node software packet distribution<br />
- December: Second ICO ($5.3 per SSIO token)
2018 Q1
- January: Company Scaling, Enhancing infrastructure, Marketing Promotions<br />
- February: SSIO Dating Web Application Beta<br />
-March: Third ICO ($10 per SSIO token)
2018 Q2
- April: Injection of SSIO token on coin markets<br />
- May: Wider marketing and media promotions<br />
- June: SSIO Dating Web Application release
2018 Q3βQ4
Active worldwide markets expansion, making more and more users joining the service.