Nowadays, despite impressive profits, trading in cryptographic currencies on financial markets is becoming more and more challenging. The only way to be successful in this area is to have a powerful information tool that will enable you to trade several orders of magnitude more effectively. Our team has created and is ready to launch the revolutionary SMART TRADE COIN SOFTWARE. The profitability of arbitrage transactions made using it has been confirmed by independent live-testing. We will direct the entire potential of SMART TRADE COIN WORLD to building the largest decentralized crypto training community capable of directly influencing major exchanges.
Smart Trade Coin allows people to successfully trade in cryptocurrencies even in small amounts.
Smart Trade Coin is planning a new revolutionary functionality. It will allow for even better use of the STC platform for financial transactions. It will also allow for obtaining considerable profits! VISA Smart Trade Coin. This is an excellent option that will allow you to gain even more!
Creation and testing the first decentralized mass-market arbitrage software. The software efficiency is proved by independent testing (Live-test).
H2 2018
Introduction of the SMART TRADE COIN SOFTWARE 1.0. Holding ICO. Creation and integration of TRADEs in the TRADE E-WALLET
Q4 2018
Increase of the community of SMART TRADE COIN SOFTWARE traders to 100,000. Deliberation of the advantages for the SMART TRADE COIN SOFTWARE WORLD with major exchanges.
H2 2019
Introduction of the SMART TRADE COIN SOFTWARE 2.0. Listing of TRADE on major exchanges.