SmartJet provides a convergence of travel and tokens, allowing people to book online travel and pay either with traditional methods or with cryptocurrency. SmartJet rewards its users with crypto tokens rather than traditional loyalty points, creating a variety of exciting incentives and providing a more valuable experience for the community members. Using cryptocurrency allows SmartJet to provide a much more appealing rewards program which can also include all the functionality that a crypto token offers. SmartJet mission is to have a state-of-the-art technology platform to offer the best product at the best price thanks to blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. With SMJ, people can book tickets, flights, hotels and cars. The team is led by travel experts and developers who focus on performance and excellence. SMJ allows people to start using cryptocurrencies for rewards as well as exchange them on the exchanges. By using cryptocurrency as a payment mechanism, SMJ improves the user experience through lowered costs and intermediary fees, faster transactions, and freedom from international commissions and exchange fees.
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