Sociall is a new generation of networking. It is a secure and private decentralised social network for all. Sociall encrypts all data and multimedia uploads and stores it securely all over the world, making it completely decentralised. The platform is private and discourages search engines from viewing user profiles or displaying them in search results.<br />
Sociall does not claim ownership of any uploaded data or multimedia to the system. All information belongs to the uploading user.<br />
The platform utilises its own easy to use cryptocurrency called SCL. It is used to pay for all goods and services rather than traditional money. Think of SCL as the native currency of the platform instead of using multiple different currencies that usually come with conversion fees.
Nexus is registered as a proprietary limited company and development begins.
The first closed beta version in PHP/MySQL is scrapped for a newer version built in AngularJS and NodeJS.
Q4 2016
Nexus launches mid 2016 after 2.5 years of development. iOS and Android apps follow one month after the web version.
Q1 2017
Further development on Nexus by removing bugs, attending to issues, and answering support requests.
Q2 2017
Begun development on Ethereum smart-contract and marketplace integration.
Q3 2017
Begun initial coin offering where users can get their hands on Social coins.
Q4 2017
Release new version of Nexus front-end.
Q1 2018
Release new version of Nexus back-end.
Q2 2018
Finalise integration of Social coins into Nexus for marketplace purchases and fund donations.<br />
Perform one or more third party security audits.<br />
Create secure web based wallet for each user inside their Nexus account.
Q3 2018
Ad platform where Socials can be traded for advertising.<br />
Development and integration of the Nexus debit card.
Q4 2018
Move data and uploads to decentralized and encrypted storage.<br />
Distribution of Nexus debit card.
Just a few of the features we hope to integrate in the near future. <br />
Integration of Tor API and built-in VPN<br />
Bidding system for purchasing in the marketplace<br />
Multilingual functionality to suit all users<br />
Send Socials and other stored tokens through instant messages<br />
Allowing general public users to become moderators and earn Socials<br />
Single sign on functionality for third party integrations<br />
Host multiple account logins without logging out<br />
Continuously adding new features suggested by the users