SonoCoin is Swiss blockchain venture offering white-labeled data-over-sound solutions to enterprises based on its native blockchain protocol. The .WAV file format gives anyone the power to transact utilizing simple methods of delivery such as sound, messenger, and Bluetooth.
SonoCoin operates on its native blockchain using the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) protocol to verify transactions.
In order to build a viable ecosystem around the SonoCoin blockchain, Crown Capital Group SA will issue SonoCoins in the course of an Initial Coin Offering (ICO). This will lead to a network of coin-holders laying down the basis for an active ecosystem. The funds paid in exchange for SonoCoins will be used for promoting the project and enter into partnership as well as further develop the SonoCoin technology.
SonoCoin back-end infrastructure development begins.
First prototype of the SonoCoin blockchain is launched;<br />
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Audible transactions are introduced to the blockchain;<br />
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Initial coin pre-sale offered publicly to the community.
Roll-out and first marketing efforts;<br />
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SonoCoin application interface update;<br />
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SonoCoin partners with Swisscom Blockchain;<br />
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SonoCoin sponsors OpenGeneva, an innovation festival and Geneva-based hackathon;<br />
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SonoCoin event organized by Lift:Lab presented to industry leaders and public;<br />
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SonoCoin launches the Bluetooth & WIFI transaction method;<br />
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SonoCoin signs listing agreement with EXMO exchange;<br />
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SonoCoin begins the protocol stabilization process.
Q4 2018
Cantonal Tax Ruling;<br />
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Code & Protocol Audit;<br />
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Test Net Deployment;<br />
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KYC/AML Process Setup for Main Sale;<br />
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Public Coin Issuance Platform Setup;<br />
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Main Net Beta Release.
Q4 18/Q1 19
Media, Entertainment and Advertising Reach Out Program;<br />
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Marketing Bounty Campaigns;<br />
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ICO Launch Main Event (native coin & protocol).