Storecoin is a zero-fee, p2p cloud computing platform that will transform data into programmable money (into datacoins). Storecoin shifts the economic paradigm of data away from being controlled by centralized technology-data monopolies towards decentralization, openness, and monetization for miners, developers, and users.We believe that every meaningful piece of data can be structured, categorized, and tokenized for easy discoverability and trading. Data can be represented by a private key and transformed into a cryptocurrency. By 2025, it’s estimated the world will emit 175 Zettabytes of data -- 5x more than today and expected to grow by a factor of 50. Most of this data is currently unusable, and the data that can be used is owned and controlled by centralized companies. A free and open market economy across all industries, governments, IoT devices, and more can exist for this data to be structured, tokenized, and available for global trading. The Storecoin blockchain and the STORE token will secure this new economy.
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