SUBAJ solves the problem of traditional points as loyalty. Now customers get value based SUBAJ coins as loyalty points on every Incentive, Discount, Rewards, Offers, Coupons, Deals they collect through the SUBAJ GLOBAL NETWORK.
Using cutting edge Technologies like Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, GeoDrop Technology, Social Gamification, Merchants can drop their respective offers onto the real world and define it within a proximity zone, which are then collected augmentedly by customers moving within that zone.
Each Time a Customer collects a Reward, he gets SBJ Coins for free. Merchants also get SBJ coins once their rewards are collected.A percentage of the SUBAJ Coin collected goes to SUBAJ Charity Foundation, where SUBAJ implements various projects for homeless and deprived children of the world. Clean Water I Vaccines I Digital Literacy I Internet
SUBAJ Coin powers the whole Global Shopping Ecosystem and its values increases each time shopping is being done anywhere.
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