Supload was founded in 2005 as an image and file sharing service. We re-launched in 2016 as a content monetization platform that shared advertising revenue with content creators via cryptocurrencies. In 2018, we are taking it a step further by creating a completely decentralized social media platform! We would like to introduce you to the SUP Token. The SUP Token, an Ethereum ERC223 utility token, will utilize technologies such as Ethereum's Plasma, Lightning Network, and Civic. The utilities available in the token will be a game changer within the social media ecosystem. The SUP Token is the solution to all of the modern day social media problems plaguing popular sites such as Reddit, Youtube, and Facebook. The experience and knowledge of the content industry is led by our CMO, the king of viral content (and karma!) on Reddit, u/GallowBoob. We encourage you to read both our standard whitepaper, technical whitepaper, and also join us on Telegram!
GraphQL Public API.<br />
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An open API (Advanced Programming Interface) will allow the creation of native mobile apps and web browser extensions.
October 2018
Infinite Scroll.<br />
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Infinite memes FTW. Infinite scroll increases user interaction time on site. Increasing ad views and earnings.
November 2018
Tipping Within Site.<br />
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Allow users to tip each other for quality content within Supload.
3rd Quarter 2018
External Embeddable Widgets.<br />
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Widget source code that can be copy and pasted to display content on external blogs / websites. A small text ad can be displayed inline with the content.<br />
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Web Browser Extensions.<br />
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Browser extensions make uploading and copying the Supload link to your clipboard a one click process.
4th Quarter 2018
Tipping on 3rd Party Sites.<br />
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Allow tipping on 3rd party sites like Reddit, YouTube and Tumblr. Users will be able to claim their tips by creating a Supload account, driving traffic.
1st Quarter 2019
Full Length Video.<br />
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Full length multi-hour video as another format for content creators.