Swap Online is a peer to peer (wallet to wallet) non-custodial exchange of different cryptocurrencies, utility tokens, and soon to be security tokens. Our two main products are a wallet for storing and exchanging cryptocurrencies without the middlemen and an HTML widget allowing any crypto-project to implement the same functionality and to accept cryptocurrencies on their own site. Both of our products work without a server.
Swap.online team was the first ever to perform Atomic Swaps with EOS and USDT (Sep, 2018). We added BTC and ETH blockchains in August 2018. By today LTC, TLOS are also connected to our global cross-chain network. More than 45 projects are already connected and have recommended swap.online to their communities.
- Launch of the OTC Market built on the Atomic Swap protocol (Alpha release):<br />
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- Sign up, order book, BTC & ETH swap, a text description of the protocol, the simplest rating system for market makers.
APRIL 2018
The first release, beta-version BTC\ETH\ERC20 swap, a launch of the Swap.Online website with a beautiful design and comprehensive description of the project.
MAY 2018
Addition of node.js library, testing, primary audit, a start of bounty campaign.
JUNE 2018
Mainnet launch, support of the Nimiq cryptocurrency, a launch of Telegram bot, Airdrop.
Project release.
Q3 2018
Continued off chain research and full-scale launch.