SWAPS.NETWORK is an OTC Global Liquidity Pool. It accumulates all deals on the market and connects sellers and buyers from around the world.
SWAPS.NETWORK provides fully decentralized OTC solutions. Users can make OTC deals without a 3rd party or escrow.
Launch SWAPS.NETWORK on Ethereum.<br />
Implementation of a single smart <br />
contract.<br />
Implementation of the functionality<br />
QIII 2019
Partnerships with major exchanges, centralized OTC and wallets.<br />
Run swaps on two other blockchains.<br />
API implementation for the referral program.<br />
QIV 2019
Run swaps on BTC.<br />
IOS & Android mobile application.<br />
Run cross-chain solutions for OTC deals.<br />
QI 2020
SWAPS.NETWORK - the leader in terms of OTC volume in the world.