Tachyon Protocol

Tachyon Protocol

Tachyon Protocol is a decentralized internet protocol built on the V SYSTEMS blockchain that aims to create a trusted, stable, fast and reliable decentralized information network. By implementing techniques from DHT, blockchain, UDP and encryption, Tachyon Protocol is committed to building the next generation TCP/IP that can provide a self-sufficient internet environment with high security, untraceability and maximum network speed. As the first application running on V SYSTEMS, Tachyon is powered by X-VPN, which has proven technologies and 50 million existing global users to bring blockchain technology into the mainstream. IPX token is the native cryptocurrency of the Tachyon network that resides on the V SYSTEMS blockchain. The token provides easy and affordable means of sharing spare bandwidth among users, promotes positive development of the network, solves major problems with the organization of the decentralized network and serves as proxy valuation of the overall system.

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Website: Visit
White paper: Read
Bounty: Bounty
Dates: TBA
Country: British Virgin Islands
Token info
Ticker: IPX
Platform: Blockchain
Token Type: V SYSTEMS, Utility
Total supply: 1,000,000,000 IPX
Next-Gen UDP based transport protcol development
Q1 2016
Establish blockchain lab.<br /> Decentralized VPN research and development
Q4 2018
Centralized VPN hit 50 million user milestone
Q4 2019
Whitepaper Release.<br /> World-leading exchange listing
Q1 2020
Tachyon Decentralized VPN Alpha Release.<br /> Provider nodes staking starts.<br /> Grey testing (1% phase)
Q2 2020
Tachyon Decentralized VPN Beta Release.<br /> Grey testing (10% phase)
Q3 2020
Tachyon Decentralized VPN GA Release.<br /> Grey testing (50% phase).<br /> Tachyon SDK Release.
Q4 2020
Tachyon DeVPN 100% rollout.<br /> Integrate Tachyon Protocol into V SYSTEMS DeFi Ecosystem
Q1 2021
IPX tokenholder reaches 30,000,000.<br /> Tachyon Protocol support for more content storage, CDN, DeFi, instant communication, edge computing, gaming projects.
Screenshots taken on 5 Nov 2019
Sunny King
Founding Member
Participates in a number of projects
Alex Yang
Founding Member
Participates in a number of projects
Founding Member
Participates in a number of projects
Jacob Gadikian
Founding Member
Participates in a number of projects

Advisors (1)

Vinko Karamatic
Participates in a number of projects
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