Thaler is a bridge creator between our community and large investors. The idea of crypto mass education will lead our token to mass adoption.Thaler is a peer-to-peer digital currency that encourages growth within the blockchain technology community. It aims to strengthen the path towards the mass adoption of cryptocurrency technology through investments in unique innovations. Thaler is fully decentralized and by definition one of the most trustable Tokens on the market. Thaler Crypto Foundation is a blockchain ecosystem with built-in filters, functions and parameters that will help shape the foundation of our analysis regarding other blockchain projects.This new concept is designed to support, guide and develop small, but engaging crypto projects by creating new collaborations/ partnerships between investors, business enthusiasts, IT engineers, crypto devotees, etc. that share the same commitment and passion for crypto. Moreover, we will be initiating brainstorm meetings, where all the team members can meet and promote their projects. Furthermore, we will organize events about blockchain technology, thus every participant is well aware of the latest updates.