<br />
Creation of our Web3 Guardian, creating an All Start team, create Social Media accounts, preparation and publication of the Whitepaper<br />
Q1 2022
Ad Campaign creation, fair launch on Dextools, poocoin, and pancakeswap, liquidity lock-in, official channels in Telegram, Reddit, and brand awareness.<br />
Q2 2022
CMC listing, Coingecko listing, and other major CEXs, NFT creation, Official Verified Badges for projects and their NFT counterparts, voting and messaging integration<br />
Q3 2022
Token information and logo updates, new NFT designs and launch, new project listing portal with voting integration, on-platform exchange, play to earn games and much, much more.<br />
Q4 2022
Now it's time for the community to decide where to go! TheMetaZeus is the guardian of the Metaverse.<br />