Trackr is a mobile application which offers real-time alerts on cryptocurrency market shifts as they are about to happen. The Trackr app offers an all-in-one interface to view and manage your portfolio, predicts cryptocurrencies deemed safe for investment (based on historical analysis and current market trend) in addition to allowing users to set up watchers to alert on various cryptocurrencies based on their invocation criteria. Furthermore, Trackr will also use historical data models and apply machine learning to obtain prediction models for cryptocurrencies and portfolios.
- Release of Alpha version<br />
- Conduct the ICO<br />
Eday 2017
- Implementation of subscription based services<br />
- Increase the amount of available exchanges and currencies<br />
- Team expansion
Barra 2017
- Offline notifications and alerts through SMS<br />
- Automatic coin tracking for new alt coins
Skye 2017
- Smart analysis of alt coin trends based on media exposure<br />
- Real-time data streaming<br />
- Start development of web client
Hoy 2017
- Add webhooks as an endpoint to Watcher alerts<br />
- Safe investment predictions based on historical analysis<br />
- Automatic wallet tracking feature
Ulva 2018
- Functional web client with desktop notifications support<br />
- Ability to share Watchers with other users<br />
- Cryptocurrency ranking<br />
- Machine learning / AI for investment predictions
Eigg 2018
- Create teams in Trackr to collaborate<br />
- Public API release<br />
- Synchronization of mobile and web data