ULedger’s unique Hybrid Blockchain architecture allows data to be verified externally without being shared, creating a provable audit trail combined with the security of a private database. Customers can easily create and maintain separate blockchain data structures that work together to certify and corroborate each others’ data without sharing its content.
By leveraging blockchain’s capability to create an immutable history of data, our customers get a secure, private, tamper-proof, mathematically verifiable record of the content of their data at a point in time.
Start of ULeger.<br />
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First implementation of rudimentary implementation of cross - merkelization without PoW
Sept 2016
1st customer signed up for ULeger, for an Email use case
July 2017
RESTful web API of the Uledger core verification product released.
Sept 2017
1st customer signed up for ULedger data Inegrity.<br />
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Cross-Merkrlization patent pending in the US.
October 2017
Rudimentary addition of PoW in the cross-merkelization implementation.
November 2017
Uledger Data Integrity API 2.0 released
Q1 2018
Email verification solution built<br />
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Uledger Logging v 1.0 released
Q3 2018
Full global patent on cross - Merkelization.<br />
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On-site RESTful API for faster and more secure access to the blockchain.<br />
Q4 2018
On-site gRPC interface to your own ULedger instance.
Uledger become open source <br />
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Uledger core integrates woth payment channels to give the Uledger token value for preferred cross-merkalization.
Uledger core integrated into various logging systems and databases.
Uledger core gRPC extended to support arbitary event-chains, making truly distributed programming possible.