

ICO Ended
Unity uses a proprietary algorithm that scans the crypto-market and several blockchains for the most profitable coin to mine based on their current market value, volume, performance and mining difficulty. The algorithm controls all of Unity’s mining machines and re-configures them every minute, if necessary, to ensure the most profitable mining experience is achieved.

It is of most importance to unity to give our customers the most profitable mining experience possible, in combination with absolute transparency and competence. Users gain access to our custom dashboard showing exactly what the miners are working on in real-time.

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Website: Visit
White paper: Read
ICO Time: 21 Jan 2019 - 21 May 2019
Whitelist/KYC: Whitelist + KYC
Country: Switzerland
Token info
Ticker: UNTY
Platform: Ethereum
Token Type: Utility
Available for sale: 20,900,000 UNTY (85%)
Raised $ 8,412,548
ICO Price: 1 UNTY = 1 USD
Accepting: ETH, BTC, LTC, BCH, Fiat
Soft cap: 8,000,000 CHF
Hard cap: 25,000,000 CHF
Social media
December 2017
Unity Investment AG, Founded<br /> <br /> <br /> Build Customer-Centric Public Crypto Currency Mine.
January 2018
Onboarding on first Customers<br /> <br /> <br /> First contracts with customers are signed. Mining Facility gets a power-upgrade.
March 2018
Reached over $1Mio in Private Pre-Sales<br /> <br /> <br /> First contracts with customers are signed, customer's mining machines are installed.
June 2018
Reached over $2Mio in Private Pre-Sales<br /> <br /> <br /> Second Mining Center Infrastructure planing and installation begins in Switzerland.
July 2018
Strategic Partnerships Acquired<br /> <br /> <br /> Contracts with technical Partners and financial Institutions are signed to guarantee ICO success.
August 2018
Start-Public Participation Phase<br /> <br /> <br /> Early Participants receive a Bonus of at least 20%. Contact us, we'll be happy to give you a tour of Unity and our mining facilities.
September 2018
Launch of our new UniCrypt Platform<br /> <br /> <br /> Our new UniCrypt Platform will allow users to easily track their investments, hashrate, and reward payouts. We're excited to show the world what we've created!
October 2018
Start building next Mining-Infrastructure<br /> <br /> <br /> With the raised funds, Unity will purchase the most profitable crypto-miners available on the market. A new location in Switzerland will be used to host these machines.
November 2018
Unity Token Final Draft Complete<br /> <br /> <br /> The Whitepaper of our upcoming ICO is completed in draft form and reviewed by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority, FINMA.
December 2018
Unity Token Classification Completed<br /> <br /> <br /> Once the UNY-Token is approved by FINMA, the Pre-ICO phase begins. We welcome everyone to register for our Newsletter to keep up to date with our latest progress
January 2019
Start ICO Phase<br /> <br /> <br /> The ICO Phase will take place in January and last for 10 weeks. All transactions take place via the UniCrypt Platform.
February 2019
Expand current mining infrastructure<br /> <br /> <br /> In preparation of the completion of the ICO, further mining facilities will be acquired and redesigned to host thousands of mining machines in the heart of Switzerland.
March 2019
Solidify Purchase Agreements<br /> <br /> <br /> With the raised capital to date, bulk orders to manufacturers are sent out to source the portfolio of hashrate.
April 2019
ICO Completed<br /> <br /> <br /> Unity Tokens are created and distributed to the investors. All trackable in the block-chain and via the UniCrypt Platform.
May 2019
First Rewards are paid out to InvestorsX<br /> <br /> <br /> As the Mining facilities are upgraded and expanded, first rewards from the mined crypto-currencies are paid out to Investors.
June 2019
Status report on ICO Success<br /> <br /> <br /> A comprehensive status report of the current mining infrastructure is distributed to investors to up-keep the trust and transparency that Unity stands for.
Screenshots taken on 19 Feb 2019
Richard Kobler
No participating data
Michelle Tarnutzer
No participating data
Amin Bundhoo
No participating data
Saulo Mendes
No participating data
Sean Prescott
Participates in a number of projects
Alex Fancelli
No participating data
Chris Smit
No participating data
Veronika Prescott
No participating data

Advisors (0)

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ICO List
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