Traditionally, ledgers are strictly managed by centralized computer systems until blockchain technology was developed. The Company’s solution is to build the UE Platform using a peer-to-peer distributed ledger (Blockchain). The Company’s business application model combines a cash flow component layer, using smart contracts that attach to revenue produced by the physical GEMs, creating a continuous cash flow directly from the gross revenue generated by the GEM to Token holders in real time.
Our first GEM opportunity relates to the SEG, a revolutionary electrical generator designed to operate as an open-system of ambient energy which converts into electrical power. The machine is based on four material ring layers and new techniques in magnetic printing on the magnetic ring layers.
R&D<br />
Designed and start of construction and assembly for 500kW SEG Magnetizer
Design and construction of magnetization platform for both SEG stator and rotors ring layers.<br />
Magnetic material research and machining techniques development for SEG Segment sizes and large stator rings.<br />
Completed the construction of the 500kW SEG Magnetizer as the only one of its kind.
Q1 2018
Consolidated and finalized the terms of the partnership between UEC and SEGM.<br />
SEG development plans and the operational budget established for 2018.<br />
Precision machine shop heavy equipment order and installation.<br />
Market research and ordering of Magnetic and Rare Earth materials from Asian manufacturing sources.
Q2 2018
Human resources - Hiring of highly skilled personnel in project research and development.<br />
Magnetics development of a highly proprietary magnetization process exclusively for the SEG.