BTC $ 38,308.00 0.000000%
ETH $ 2,751.00 0.000000%
ICOs 8,662
Universal Reward Protocol

Universal Reward Protocol

By accepting to share their shopping data with the network, a shopper earns reward tokens, while the data is used by retailers to build redemption offers that best suit each customer’s needs. Shoppers can redeem their tokens through these exclusive and personalized offers.

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Website: Visit
White paper: Read
Bounty: Bounty
Dates: TBA
Whitelist/KYC: Whitelist + KYC
Country: France
Token info
Ticker: URP
Platform: Ethereum
Token Type: ERC20
Available for sale: 240,000,000 URP (40%)
ICO Price: 1 URP = 0.025€
Accepting: ETH
Soft cap: 1000000 EUR
Hard cap: 5000000 EUR
Launch of the company.<br /> <br /> Partnership signed with Auchan, one of the world's biggest distribution groups.<br /> <br /> Development of the Occi product.
Proof of concept, first Auchan store equipped with IoT sensors.<br /> <br /> Seed funding round from business angels.<br /> <br /> Filed two patents on proprietary algorithms (FR1656748 and FR1654618). <br /> <br /> Awarded at the Concours Mondial de l’Innovation (World Innovation Competition) by the French Public Bank of Investment.
Solution is market-ready.<br /> <br /> Contract signed with Carrefour, one of the largest hypermarket chains in the world.<br /> <br /> Contract signed with Galeries Lafayette.<br /> <br /> Occi live in more than 100,000 square meters of top retailers stores with 150,000 unique visitors identified every day.<br /> <br /> Inception of URP Protocol.
Q1 2018
Token design and development.<br /> <br /> Presentation of URP to brands and retailers.<br /> <br /> Refinement of the protocol based on their expressed needs.
Q2 2018
Design of the architecture of URP protocol.<br /> <br /> Preliminary partnerships discussions with consumer brands and retailers.<br /> <br /> Release of the White Paper.<br /> <br /> Mockup of the retailer interface and the shopper app.
Q3 2018
Release of UX/UI of the retailer interface.<br /> <br /> Release of UX/UI of the shopper interface.<br /> <br /> Release of URP MVP : Smart Contract Templating and Campaign browsing.<br /> <br /> Letters of intent from known retailers and brands.<br /> <br /> Token Sale.
Q4 2018
Alpha release of URP : Proof-of-Behavior specifications.<br /> <br /> Collaboration with first dApps.<br /> <br /> Integration with a self-sovereign identity service (SSIS).<br /> <br /> Development of the shopper app.<br /> <br /> Development of the retailer interface (Campaign Manager).<br /> <br /> Launch of pilots on the testnet for onboarded retailers and brands.
Q1 2019
Integration of other dApps on the testnet.<br /> <br /> Security testing.<br /> <br /> Bounty campaign for beta testers.<br /> <br /> Publication of first pilot results.
Q2 2019
Marketing campaign aiming at large-scale shoppers adoption.<br /> <br /> Brand and retailers expansion.<br /> <br /> Release on the mainnet.<br /> <br /> Launch of the shopper app on application stores: tokens are used to reward any shopping behavior that can be certified by the dApps implementing URP.
Q3 2019
Deployment of URP to early adopting brands and retailers.<br /> <br /> Other dApps join the protocol to reward all behaviors on mainnet.
Q4 2019
Start of international expansion in Europe and China.
S1 : <br /> <br /> - International expansion to North & South America.<br /> <br /> - Protocol tokenomics optimization.<br /> <br /> <br /> S2 : <br /> <br /> - URP global scale-up.<br /> <br /> - All facets of shopping behavior can now be rewarded through URP.
Screenshots taken on 12 Jun 2018
Yves Benchimol
CEO & Co-founder
Participates in a number of projects
Louis Millon
CTO & Co-Founder
Participates in a number of projects
Thomas Wolf
Participates in a number of projects
Yohan Maurin
Blockchain Engineer
Participates in a number of projects
Raphaël Attal
Chief Strategist
Participates in a number of projects
Tanguy de La Villegeorges
Data Scientist
Participates in a number of projects
Enguerrand Pelletier
Back-end Engineer
Participates in a number of projects
Gabriel Mulko
Marketing Manager
Participates in a number of projects
Alexandra Masse
Community Manager
Participates in a number of projects
Rémi Gazquez
Back-end Engineer
Participates in a number of projects

Advisors (5)

François Poupard
Participates in a number of projects
Deepak Gulati
Participates in a number of projects
Thibault de Vésinne-Larüe
Participates in a number of projects
Nilesh Jethwa
Participates in a number of projects
Laurent El Ghaoui
Participates in a number of projects
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