

The VANHEALTHING Cryptofund of Biotech innovations is an absolutely unique investment platform: profits are combined with premier access to cutting-edge biotechnological projects that save and improve human lives.

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Website: Visit
White paper: Read
Dates: TBA
Whitelist/KYC: Whitelist + KYC
Country: Ukraine
Token info
Ticker: HEALTH
Platform: Ethereum
Token Type: ERC20
Available for sale: 300,000 HEALTH
Soft cap: 5,000,000 USD
Hard cap: 100,000,000 USD
September 2014
First angel investment into the Force project.
June 2015
The USP Capital venture fund is launched.
September 2015
First Successful Kickstarter campaign completed by our portfolio company.
November 2015
Successful cardio-screening of 22 433 patients in rural areas. The Platform 20k project is born.
Devember 2015
Plans for the word's first psychometer are formulated - a unique device for constant monitoring of an individual's psycho-emotional state.
January 2016
The TRL3 experiment for the world's first one-hand ECG sensor is successfully conducted.
February 2016
Incorporation of Platform 20k and Planexta Inc.
April 2016
Start of development on PRECISE - the automated ECG interpretation project.
September 2016
Start of development on the world's first sleeveless arterial blood pressure monitor with +- 5 mg Hg accuracy.
November 2016
Successful completion of the SenceBand crowdfunding campaign.
January 2017
SenceBand receives two CES 2017 awards in the biotechnologies and wearable devices categories.
March 2017
One of our portfolio companies is chosen for the Vertical accelerator (Finland), considered to be one of the world's best accelerators in digital health tech.
April 2017
One of our portfolio companies is chosen for the Alchemist accelerator (U.S.A.), considered to be one of the world's best accelerator programs. The digital beta of PRECISE is launched.
May 2017
Start of clinical trials for PRECISE.
July 2017
The Fund's portfolio increases to 12 companies - a major new milestone.
August 2017
Start of the Fund's transformation into a cruptocurrency fund.
September 2017
The Cryptofund's development strategy is finalized. Publication of a fundamental scientific paper on aging predictor analysis and the dynamic estimation of biological age.
October 2017
The Cryptofund's portfolio is created. The medical version of SenceBand is named among the top 20 remote assistance projects of 2017 by HealthcareTech Outlook.
November-December 2018
The Fund conducts a Roadshow for the purpose of engaging investors and partners for the Cryptofund.
January 2018
Establishment and registration of the Cryptofund.
February 2018
Creation of the Cryptofund's board of directors and investment strategy.
February - August 2018
Preparation for the ITO and coordination with regulators for the purpose of issuing tokens.
March 2018
Establishment of the Cryptofund's hedge-fund division for the purpose of liquidity management.
August 2018
Demonstration of successful technological and financial results by the Cryptofund's portfolio companies.
September 2018
Launch of our ITO.
October 2018
Portfolio companies begin invesment using gathered funds. <br /> <br /> Launch of the first stage of our A.R.K. infrastructure project specifically - the initial laboratory construction phase.
November 2018
Payment of dividens to token owners.
November 2018
Launch of the final stage of the A.R.K. infrastructure project.
January 2019
Launch of new technological projects within the Cryptofund.
Screenshots taken on 25 Jun 2018
Alexander Lobanov
Chief investment officer
Participates in a number of projects
Alexander Tulko
Head of asset management
Participates in a number of projects
Yaroslav Kologryvov
Managing partner of Vanhealthing
Participates in a number of projects
Eugene Nayshtetik
President of Planexta Inc.
Participates in a number of projects
Tatiana Botsva
R&D vice president at Planexta Inc.
No participating data
Maryna Moskovko
CEO of A.R.K
No participating data
Valery Kanevsky
CEO of Institute of High Technologies
No participating data
Yury Tymoshenko
CEO of VieGraph
Participates in a number of projects
Timur Shemsedinov
CEO of Interactive Cloud
Participates in a number of projects
Sergey Stirenko
Head of the R&D department of supercomputer calculations, AI and AR/VR
No participating data
Victoria Ustimenko
Chief PR Officer
Participates in a number of projects
Inna Malyukova
Founder and managing Partner of Sikorsky Challenge
No participating data
Dr. Ben Goertzel
Participates in a number of projects
Dr. Greg Colvin
Participates in a number of projects
Ivan Danishevsky
Participates in a number of projects

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