VIABET delivers an all-out fresh approach to online gambling. A simple, yet elegant solution that allows the player to actually become the casino. The player will be able to offer and open games himself which will allow other players to play against him/her. VIABET essentially allows players to create their own games and rules within the online casino.
Official VIABET casino, sport betting site launch, dice games, Blackjack, roulette. Multi-cryptocurrency implementation. Exchange applications: Bittrex, Poloniex, HitBTC, Gatecoin. Start of VIABET buyback program
Q2 2018
VIABET cloud betting / P2P sports betting platform alpha release. New games added: P2P poker tournaments, live dealer games.
Q3 2018
VIABET cloud betting / P2P sports betting beta launch, mobile apps, additional cryptocurrencies. Overall expansion, fiat gate implementation. Negotiations with online casinos for VIA platform integration.