Early fundamental studies to create methods for integrating brain signals of<br />
<br />
healthy and sick person with a computer to provide non-verbal<br />
<br />
communication.<br />
<br />
Development and testing neural network method for analyzing and<br />
<br />
interpreting EEG signals for brain-computer systems. Development of a<br />
<br />
neural interface prototype.
2008 - 2009
Study and comparative analysis of electrographic patterns and mechanisms<br />
<br />
for forming voluntary motor and mental activity.<br />
<br />
Patent acquisition.
2010 - 2011
A neural networks committee to classify the electroencephalogram of mental<br />
<br />
movements forthe brain-computerinterface. Certificate of state registration<br />
<br />
for software.
2012 - 2013
Research into the influence of personality individual-typologicalfeatures on<br />
<br />
the effectiveness of self-regulation with EEG-based neurofeedback.
2012 - 2014
Experimental testing of the developed neural network methods of EEG<br />
<br />
analysis for disabled people to control a wheelchair.
2014 - 2016
Research and modeling of neuro- and psychophysiological mechanisms of<br />
<br />
the functional state ofthe brain, active perception and hierarchy of cognitive<br />
<br />
processes that provide adaptive behavior.
2014- 2015
Development and testing of visual feedback software interface based on EEG<br />
<br />
spectral characteristics of mental commands for screen interface control.<br />
<br />
Certificate of state registration for software.
Development of the VRE hardware-software system (mobile biopotential<br />
<br />
amplifier) to control wireless devices (a smartphone, a tablet).<br />
<br />
Certificate of state registration for software.
Development of hardware and software systems to use a neural interface in<br />
<br />
a virtual reality environment and to control a wheelchair.
Study of mechanisms of multistable brain activity, sensory perception and<br />
<br />
cognitive processes to develop effective monitoring, communication and<br />
<br />
control neurotechnologies.
2018- 2019
Future research and projects:<br />
<br />
• Industrial design of a full-scale working prototype of the neurointerface.<br />
<br />
• Smart headphones.<br />
<br />
• Sleep monitoring systems.<br />
<br />
• Proprietary neural control systems for VR.