Wellmee brings a mobile application which helps people live their lives better. On the other hand, it creates a unique ecosystem for employers and employees. Together with Wellmee tokens, it makes it possible for employers to reward the employees who use Wellmee app, because a happier person shows better results at work as well.
Concept of The Happiness machine.<br />
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Concept of The Happiness Machine: Mobile Behavior Change by (Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.Berkeley, USA) is created.
March 2018
Concept of Wellmee app.<br />
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Concept of Wellmee application is established and loosely follows on „The Happinness machine“
November 2018
ITO takes place.
December 2018
Dream come true.<br />
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Development of the app starts! Wellmee team is complemented continuously and appropriately (mainly experienced Psychologists and world-class SW engineers).
January 2019
Development and Ecosystem setup.<br />
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Beta program of Wellmee app is continously released based on agile development; Foundations laid for functioning of the ecosystem for both Employers and Merchants.
January 2020
Wellmee 1.0 is released (by Jan 2020).<br />
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Available on iOS and Android; Covers the fundamental features; Pilot with the companies is done.
January 2021
Wellmee 2.0 is released (by Jan 2021).<br />
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Offering most of the key features; Operating with initial Employers and Merchants; First revenue is booked.
January 2022
Wellmee 3.0 is released (by Jan 2022).<br />
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Fully functioning app with all its necessary features; Having its regular users where numbers are exponentially growing; Recognized by all big companies on the market for its benefits.