As many 60% Zpay Network of the total supply will be our sales token to investors, you can buy Zpay Network token at the moment token sale process takes place, with it you will get the price which is much cheaper than when the Zpay Network token has entered some market exchange, you can buy instant token Zpay Network during token sale process takes place. therefore more than half of the funds from the sale of Zpay Network tokens we will allocate to the progress of the project, such as funds to do listing in some markets, and making wallet light version to android users and ios.
Website estabilished with new features.<br />
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Development light wallet API started.<br />
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Listing any exchange and bounty program.<br />
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Listing on Coinmarketcap
Q3 2018
Listing more big exchange.<br />
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Wallet light beta version for android and ios.<br />
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Further development of light wallet by adding some features.