As a Crypto Carbon Energy (CYCE) we developed our Project at ERC20 base. Our Project is not meme token. The foundation of our project is solid. With this Project we want to end global warming. In this Project we use Blockchain technology because only Blockchain technology can solve this problem. Governments and organizations have a political processes but Blockchain technology is above governments and organizations and Blockchain can’t be censored. Our Project is from Turkey. And our company as a name “Crypto Carbon Enerji A.S”. Also this company is a registered company in Turkey. By using Blockchain network technology in our project, it is to reduce the carbon emissions against global warming which is the biggest problem of our world, and to ensure that all humanity can participate in this support mechanism in order to normalize the temperature values of the world. CYCE is a crypto asset supporting renewable power plants versus fossil fuel plants. In this Project, we want to reduce carbon emissions to zero and we will do this by rewarding renewable energy plants. We will reward this facilities because renewable power plants are not very profitable. CYCE although by far came with the Blockchain technology but CYCE is different from the scope of this project. The main point of departure is to give 80% of CYCE crypto units produced to these power plants as a reward and free of charge to make these facilities value added against fossil fuels and to quickly turn the direction of future investments to this side. The CYCE ecosystem is sensitive to nature. Our plan is for every citizen of the world to contribute to this support mechanism. We will do it with our token also Blockchain technology. Every people who buy our token they will join this support mechanism. Technical Information In this project we use ERC20. We are Ethereum token for now. In the following process, we will build our own Blockchain network. We are working on it. RES SYSTEM RES means Renewable Energy System, Turkish means “Yenilenebilir Enerji Santralleri (YES)”. We are saying YES for RES. That’s why we created RES system. RES System to give CYCE CERTIFICATE to renewable energy plants. This certificate can be queried through our system. Also we will only give these certificates to renewable power plants that have little or no carbon emissions. Power plants that produce energy from fossil fuels not included in the reward system. People who want to be investor can store their assets in these wallets. Our system and site have been audited by independent organizations. Individuals can participate in the ICO on the exchanges we deal with or at
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