Mplus will build a supply chain platform with blockchain method
in order to distribute pharmaceuticals and functional foods
that require strict distribution management. We, the Medic group in correlation with manufacture of medical products and health food in Malaysia, will create an international platform of medical supplies through block-chain technology for the improvement of world health and the eradication of diseases.
ICO (Presales) begins;<br />
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Head office facilities transfer to Malaysia;<br />
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Affiliation of major pharmaceutical company in Malaysia;<br />
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Establishment of liaison office in Japan (April 9th).
Q3-Q4 2018
Block chain distribution platform development begins;<br />
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Halal certified silk fibroin will be determined.
Q1-Q2 2019
Super placenta medicine approval;<br />
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Block chain platform internal operations commence;<br />
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China, Thailand, Taiwan, South Korea and others join the distribution platform.
Q2-Q3 2019
Japan affiliates with other major pharmaceutical companies by joining the platform;<br />
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Product manufacturing acceptance of Halal certification to Japanese companies;<br />
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Product distribution to Islamic markets commences.