
Fair, secure, and transparent ticketing industry<br>Aventus is a digital assets-focused blockchain-based protocol that transforms oversight, standardisation, trust and innovation across enterprises’ supply chains by acting as a secure and independent backbone of interoperability, communication and value exchange.<br><br>Company services: Cryptocurrency, Entertainment
Website: Visit
Country: UK
Blockchain companies
Same categories blockchain companies
True P2P E-Commerce Loyalty Platform<br>IOU reinvents existing loyalty systems in order to provide more flexibility, control, and many more benefits for Merchants in order to guarantee the highest possible level of consumer satisfaction for the incurred marketing expenditures. IOU “loyalty system” allows business owners to create a new level of interaction with consumers and, most importantly, provides the opportunity for consumers to freely exchange their purchased IOUs with other consumers for other IOUs which are needed more for those trading parties. Each Consumer truly would become the “agent” targeting other Consumers on P2P exchange seeking to trade their acquired IOUs with other Consumers based on the need and value at the time of the transaction. Such approach allows merchants to obtain a stable influx of new customers and truly loyal customers.<br><br>Company services: Big Data, Business services, Charity, Communication, Cryptocurrency, Electronics, Entertainment, Health, Infrastructure, Internet, Investment, Media, Platform, Real estate, Retail, Smart Contract, Software, Sports, Tourism
Personalizing Your Travel Experience<br>MeetnGreetMe is a marketplace where international travelers can find personal assistants/concierges among local people. Powered by AI MeetnGreetMe hybrid blockchain platform transforms travel experience into a really personalized experience and lets every traveler enjoy an individualized adventure in line with their needs and budget. MeetnGreetMe aims to bring radical changes to travel and hospitality industry via building a new ecosystem where every member is incentivized to contribute their time, skills, local expertise and resources to the MeetnGreetMe ultimate goal - to put a traveler’s needs and experience first.<br><br>Company services: Entertainment, Cryptocurrency, Platform, Tourism
A decentralized, peer-to-peer wagering platform<br>As a peer-to-peer decentralized network, MEVU allows people to bet on anything, anytime, against anyone. Turn any situation into a social bet; who can drink the fastest, who will win the next round of golf, or be the first to lose 10 pounds. If your friends are not around, make new ones by finding or creating sports bets on the global MEVU network. MEVU is bringing betting back to the basics between people. The way it was meant to be.<br><br>Company services: Smart Contract, Platform, Entertainment, Cryptocurrency, Casino & Gambling, Sports
A new way to invest in the restaurant industry<br>eWaiter is a global decentralised service. Our goal is to automate customer service in restaurants and improve its quality. Our service will help you make customer care faster and easier. Our product is based on blockchain technology, geolocation, and QR-codes. We are developing iOS and Android applications, as well as a web application, which will be available for all browsers.<br><br>Company services: Entertainment, Cryptocurrency, Business services
TriForce Tokens
Games Industry Technology Innovators<br>TriForce Tokens is creating a unique games publishing framework enhanced by distributed ledger technology. Our technology gives game studios and game publishers new revenue models, lower player attrition rate, and creates a new gaming experience for players.<br><br>Company services: Cryptocurrency, Entertainment
South Korea
Contents Protocol
Decentralized Protocol<br>Contents Protocol is a decentralized protocol to revitalize the premium content industry, powered by WATCHA Inc. Through Contents Protocol, content distribution platforms will be able to provide transparency to user data and insight to Content Providers, which will help them create better content in the future and incentivize Users for their activities and contribution, which will encourage them to become more active consumers in the industry. WATCHA Inc. which plays a key role in implementing Contents Protocol, has been operating WATCHA (personalized recommendation service for movies, TV series and books) & WATCHA Play (paid subscription VOD service for premium content), for over 6 years in Korea and Japan with 4.5 million users and 400 million reviews.<br><br>Company services: Big Data, Cryptocurrency, Entertainment, Platform