A decentralized, peer-to-peer wagering platform<br>As a peer-to-peer decentralized network, MEVU allows people to bet on anything, anytime, against anyone. Turn any situation into a social bet; who can drink the fastest, who will win the next round of golf, or be the first to lose 10 pounds. If your friends are not around, make new ones by finding or creating sports bets on the global MEVU network. MEVU is bringing betting back to the basics between people. The way it was meant to be.<br><br>Company services: Smart Contract, Platform, Entertainment, Cryptocurrency, Casino & Gambling, Sports
Website: Visit
Country: Canada
Blockchain companies
Same categories blockchain companies
Costa Rica
Smart contract based games of chance<br>The first token crowdsale with a fully working iGaming project that received extremely positive feedback from the community. Truegame is a truly unique iGaming product: users are already playing more than a dozen different games (scratch cards, prize draws, lotteries, giftboxes, etc.). We closed a private round of funding within 24 hours and even refused additional capital. We launched our product together with a team of specialists from the gambling industry, and now that we're proven, we are ready for scale-out and market expansion.<br><br>Company services: Smart Contract, Platform, Entertainment, Cryptocurrency, Casino & Gambling, Software, Sports
Absolute Security Level<br>Project was developed to overcome the main barriers to full integration of blockchain-technologies into e-commerce market – high transaction fees, low speed and lack of transparency. We have a number of technical decisions for solving each of these problems: SDK and API instruments will allow to connect cryptocurrency wallets to electronic marketplaces just in few clicks and provide maximum simplicity of payments for goods and services; Anonymous mode of SONDER Wallet with implemented mechanism of obfuscation of transactions and encrypted chat guarantees absolute security for your deals; Fast transactions and zero fees will be provided in SONDER Mainnet to make cryptocurrencies the most efficient payment means.<br><br>Company services: Artificial Intelligence, Art, Banking, Big Data, Business services, Casino & Gambling, Charity, Communication, Cryptocurrency, Education, Electronics, Energy, Entertainment, Health, Infrastructure, Internet, Investment, Legal, Manufacturing, Media, Other, Platform, Real estate, Retail, Smart Contract, Software, Sports, Tourism, Virtual Reality
Hong Kong
U Run It
New Era in Gambling Industry<br>It is time to change the game rules in the Gambling Universe. To break the established traditions we just need to give the control of the casino, to the players themselves. Meaning, absolutely all games, tables, poker rooms, slot machines, lotteries and so on are controlled by the gamers, they host games themselves and receive most of the profit. Meet URUNIT - The only gambling platform 100% managed by its community! Players control the house, host all the games and receive most of the profit.<br><br>Company services: Cryptocurrency, Casino & Gambling, Entertainment, Infrastructure, Internet, Other, Platform, Smart Contract, Software, Sports
Crypto Market Ads
Democratize Crypto Advertising & Marketing<br>Crypto Market Ads is new marketplace which solves all crypto advertising and marketing problems by connecting crypto market publishers and advertisers in one place (marketplace is working already). A democratic and decentralized crypto advertisement marketplace – that is the vision behind Crypto Market Ads. Our mission is to not only establish the best marketplace solution for crypto advertising and marketing but also create new blockchain (internet of goods and services) for global sellers and marketplaces. CMA company wants to change how sellers sell their goods and services by creating a truly global P2P (peer-to-peer) ecosystem, where sellers are trustful, and goods and services are instantly available globally through a network of marketplaces. CMA company also wants to deliver interactive online tools such as a drag-and-drop marketplace builder, and an ICO platform for marketplaces to ensure the success of all stakeholders involved. PLEASE READ WHITEPAPER TO UNDERSTAND ALL!<br><br>Company services: Smart Contract, Retail, Real estate, Platform, Other, Media, Manufacturing, Legal, Investment, Internet, Infrastructure, Health, Entertainment, Energy, Electronics, Education, Cryptocurrency, Communication, Charity, Casino & Gambling, Business services, Big Data, Banking, Artificial Intelligence, Art, Software, Sports, Tourism, Virtual Reality
True P2P E-Commerce Loyalty Platform<br>IOU reinvents existing loyalty systems in order to provide more flexibility, control, and many more benefits for Merchants in order to guarantee the highest possible level of consumer satisfaction for the incurred marketing expenditures. IOU “loyalty system” allows business owners to create a new level of interaction with consumers and, most importantly, provides the opportunity for consumers to freely exchange their purchased IOUs with other consumers for other IOUs which are needed more for those trading parties. Each Consumer truly would become the “agent” targeting other Consumers on P2P exchange seeking to trade their acquired IOUs with other Consumers based on the need and value at the time of the transaction. Such approach allows merchants to obtain a stable influx of new customers and truly loyal customers.<br><br>Company services: Big Data, Business services, Charity, Communication, Cryptocurrency, Electronics, Entertainment, Health, Infrastructure, Internet, Investment, Media, Platform, Real estate, Retail, Smart Contract, Software, Sports, Tourism
Global Blockchain-based Gambling Platform<br>GLOBAL BLOCKCHAIN-BASED GAMBLING PLATFORM DEVELOPED BY PLAYERS FOR PLAYERS Unlike all similar projects, our project is led by a team of managers with extensive experience in the field of gambling, whose main goal is to provide a pleasant and convenient user experience. Gamblica addresses the global problem of gambling fraud by giving each player an opportunity to check and verify the casino’s algorithms. The main reasons to buy GMBC: - A limited number of tokens with no additional issue after Token Sale. - All payments within the platform are made with GMBC only, which will foster the token's growth. - The ever-growing market of online gambling.<br><br>Company services: Smart Contract, Platform, Entertainment, Cryptocurrency, Casino & Gambling, Software